A brief description of the "Teamwork Tower” model created by Teamworkcenter (Copyright 1996).
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The "Teamwork Tower" model aims to achieve business success through a model known and shared by all members of the organization and allows to have a real competitive advantage along the time.
"Teamwork Tower" model identify new factors that are key to the success of any team. Each factor may be more or less relevant in a given time in a team or project.
The “Teamwork Tower” model is applicable to any area of the company, and is especially useful in creating new products, innovation, quality management, process reengineering, business growth and continuous improvement of any organization.
The “Teamwork Tower” model is divided into nine modules or levels that have been grouped into three blocks: a) Base Pillar or, b) Trunk or Central and c) Top or Transcendent.
The first block, called Pillar or base, integrates three levels: 1) Participation, 2) Management skills and leadership 3) Methods, techniques and physical supports.
The second block, called Trunk or Central, integrates four levels: 4) Team spirit, 5) Communication, 6) Negotiation and 7) Motivation and Compensation.
In the last block, called Top or Transcendent, there are two levels: 8) Production of Synergies and 9) Objectives and Targets.
1. Participation
The first determining factor for teamwork in an organization is the level of participation and identification of who is participating as a member of the team.
Participants may be internal or external, and management requires the involvement of employees, partners (external staff), clients, providers, social partners, shareholders. Participation is a broad concept of management of the agents involved (model "stakeholders").
The color of this level is orange, and the analogy takes the audience on the main square of the town where the human tower growth.
2. Management Skills - Leadership
Working as a team requires a properly trained leader. It is necessary to identify the phases and roles of the leader and team members. You need to know the habits and characteristics of a good leader. The leader must know the list of most common characteristics of a leader.
The color of this level is the lilac, and takes as an analogy the level called "folre" according to the construction technique of a human castle.
Image: Teamwork Center archive
3. Methods, techniques and physical supports
Working as part of a team requires some tools which every participant must be able to use to facilitate teamwork. Creative techniques (see program "entrepreneurship character") and the transversal functions of a business are basic (see the model "The Company in your hands). The physical supports such as overhead projectors, meeting rooms are essential for successful teamwork.
The color of this level is brown, and takes as an analogy the level called "Manilles" according to the construction technique of human tower.
4. Team Spirit
Each organization has its values, culture, rules, norms, historical and present patterns of behavior that directly affect present and future teams. No one can work together without knowing the overall company spirit in relation to teamwork. This spirit does not have to be written or formalized.
The color of this level is white and takes as an analogy the fourth level of the human tower.
5. Communication
The participants of a team communicate with each other adequately when the group communication process is known and used, therefore a real personal interaction exists.
Listening is fundamental as well as the knowledge of the different cultures. Think globally act locally.
The color of this level is red, and takes as an analogy the fifth level of the human tower.
6. Negotiation.
The team must be able to solve problems and crises which always appear in greater or lesser extent. A good negotiation can overcome barriers and to revive the production of synergies and the targets of the teamwork. It is necessary to know the phases, attitudes and techniques to reach agreements.
The color of this level is gray, and takes as an analogy the sixth level of the human tower.
7. Motivation and Compensation.
Motivation is an essential element of human being. Both elements must be handled individually and also in groups, considering that each participant is unique and different from the rest, thus elements of compensation and motivation can be different for each member.
The color of this level is green and takes as an analogy the seventh level of the human tower.
8. Production Synergies.
It’s possible to work as group but when a real production of synergies exists the participants feel it in the atmosphere and only then it is possible to work as a team. Each individual observes how the team achieves efficiency and efficacy working together and in a win-win situation.
The color of this level is yellow, and takes as an analogy “the lifter" which is the penultimate person to be placed in the human tower.
9. Objectives and Targets.
The objectives and targets must be known by the team leader and their participants. They must be defined at a temporary, quantitative and qualitative level. Some hidden objectives for the members of the team may exist but known by the leader or advisor.
The color of this level is blue, and takes the analogy of the "Anxaneta" which is the last person who reaches the highest point of the human tower. It will get to complete the tower when it lifts the arm and hand up indicating the end of human tower construction.
The star seen in the graphic represents the success of the organization which has been achieved by following the guidelines of the learning system.
Teamwork Tower model can be applied to whatever area of the company, particularly to the creation of new products or processes. |