Egovalue -me, as my assert-
A brief description of the "Egovalue, me as my asset” model created by Teamworkcenter (Copyright 1994).

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The “Egovalue, me as my asset” model aims to assist in managing the careers of the staff to adapt to the constantly changing situation that exists in the market for professional careers.

"Egovalue, me as my asset” model is a tool that helps identify our target market and manage the balance between individual and market. It is a self-improvement tool.

“Egovalue, me as my asset” model is a personal marketing tool that helps and facilitates reflection on our personalities on the professional environment through regular review.

“Egovalue, me as my asset” model provides a framework to improve weaknesses and enhance the sale of our professional strengths.

Image: Arxiu Teamwork Center

The learning system is based on a consistent symbolic analogy to identify four concepts that are transformed into four geometric shapes that are displayed as a human body.

The four geometric figures symbolize the four key elements of our career management through a practical and conceptually array of ten rules.

“Egovalue” model is based on ten rules grouped into four different shapes: a circle, a rectangle, a square and a triangle.

The circle corresponds to the head of the human body that we call "I, my Inc.". This element defines the professional service that we offer.

The square corresponds to the body of the human figure, which we call "Self-Analysis." This figure is divided into four elements, one for each side of the square. The four areas covered are: 1) "Attitudes & skills", 2) Personality to the change ", 3) Desired Work environment and 4) Strengths and weaknesses ".

The triangle corresponds to the legs of the human figure, which we call "Market & Environment". This figure is divided into three elements, one for each side of the triangle: 1) Careers, 2) Sectors and Companies and 3) Networks and channels.

Finally, the rectangle corresponds to the arms of the human figure, which we call Personal Marketing and that can be related directly with our clients objectives. First element is the “Curriculum Vitae and Cover Letters” and at the other extreme, as the second "The Interview".

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